Soar Learners Assembly

Each month the staff at the elementary school highlight the achievements of students who have demonstrated positive behaviors. Teachers encourage Visible Learning with the acronym LEARNERS

L - Learn from mistakes

E - Evaluate work

A - Ask questions and accept challenges

R - Receive and respond to feedback

N - Never give up

E - Effort matters

R - Reach goals

S - State what we are learning

This month students were recognized demonstration of effort that matters.

effort matters
Each day students are encouraged to have positive behavior. The behavior that the staff looks for are

S - Safety

O - Ownership

A - Achievement

R - Respect

This month the staff recognized students who demonstrated achievement.

During Parent/Teacher Conferences parents were asked to fill out an attendance survey. All families that completed the survey had their children entered in a drawing for Subway gift cards. These students won and want to thank their parents for the gift certificate.

subway gift card