
The dictionary defines an assessment as "the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something." Teachers cannot effectively communicate to stakeholders (parents, administrators, other teachers and the individual students) the progress of each student. We all remember testing our math facts or doing a spelling test and many other classroom assessments. The information on this page is to help parents understand the assessments that are given to the students in the school district and how the data will be used.
Test Name and Purpose | Approximate Dates of Administration* | Grades Assessed | Level of Assessment |
ACCESS--This assessment is given to English Language Leaners (ELL) annually to assess and monitor their English proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening. ELL students who move into the district from a school who does not use the ACCESS assessment are also given a SCREENER within two weeks | Middle of January to the middle of February | K-12 | State |
Colorado Measure of Academic Success (CMAS) --Students are assessed to measure their understanding of Colorado Academic Standards in mathematics, English Language, science and social studies. | April | Math 3 - 8 ELA 3 - 8 Science 5, 8 , 11 Social Studies 4, 7, 11 (This test is not currently given) | State |
Colorado Alternate Assessment (CoAlt) -- This assessment is used as a unique accommodation for a select few students with severe needs. Please speak with your child's case manager to see if he or she qualifies | April (during the CMAS window) | Math 3 - 11 ELA 3 - 11 Science 5, 8 , 11 Social Studies 4, 7, 11 (This test is not currently given) | State |
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) - The results of this assessment can be one piece of evidence that can be used to identify a student as needing an advanced learning plan. | Fall and Spring | 2, 6, 9 and new students | Local |
College Preparatory Exam -- (PSAT) A pretest the determines a student's readiness to take college entrance exams. | April | 9 & 10 | State |
College Entrance Exam -- (SAT) A standardized test that measures a student's readiness for college. | April | 11 | State |
NWEA MAPS -- A standardized test that measures a student's growth in the areas of reading, reading, language arts, math and science. It is given three times a year and tracks a student's growth in these areas so that teachers can adjust instruction and provide interventions. Many of the school curricular materials integrate support for students based on their NWEA score. | First three weeks of school. After Thanksgiving First part of May | K - 12 | Local |
ASVAB -- A test to determine career interests and inventory. This test is administered by personal from the Department of Defense and is the same test that is given to determine job qualifications in the US Armed Forces. | Septemer | 11 | Local |
ACCUPLACER -- This test is given to students wishing to take college classes prior to finishing high school but did not get the prerequisite score on the PSAT or SAT | Before school starts | 10, 11, 12 | Local |
Classroom Summative Assessments | Year round as announced by classroom teacher | K - 12 | Classroom |
Dibles - This test measures a student's reading proficiency. | Year round | K - 3 |

* To view the current dates for local and state assessments please look at our Google Calendar
All students are required to take the tests listed above however, state statue allows for parents to opt their student out of some testing. For more information please see the district's policy on state assessments.