school board reorganized

As part of a special meeting on November 30, 2023, the Holyoke Re-1J Board of Education was reorganized.

Mr. Mike Brown, Mr. Dusty Sprague, and Mr. Nain Vasquez all had their terms come to an end at the meeting. The school district expresses sincere gratitude to Mr. Sprague for his eight years of service to the board and the time, dedication and effort it took from him to represent the school as a board member and president over those years.

Mr. Justin Clayton and Mr. Arlan Scholl were both elected to another term and Mr. Lukas Goldenstein, Mr. Aaron Schlachter, Mr. Lucas Schlachter and Mrs. Summer Struckmeyer were also elected. These six individual were administered the oath of office by outgoing BOE President, Dusty Sprague and join Mr. Jon Kleve as the seven member school board.

The board organized themselves with the following officers.

  • Jon Kleve - President

  • Justin Clayton - Vice President

  • Lucas Schlachter - Secretary

  • Luckas Goldenstein - Treasurer

  • Aaron Schlachter - Director

  • Arlan Scholl - Director

  • Summer Struckmeyer - Director

To learn more about the board of education please visit