Hard Hat Required

While we are excited to share all the new construction at the Jr/Sr High School with everyone, we have been contacted by the construction company and the state inspectors asking that we not allow any outside visitors (this includes all current and previous staff) to the construction site unless onsite with a school official. There are liabilities issues, as well as interruptions to the progress of the project if we allow people into the site. 

There have been weekly photo updates posted on our Facebook Page if you are interested in getting a closer view of progress. There will be one more photo update on our Facebook Page before the project completes.  Please see the school district's comments on each photo to understand more of what is going on inside the school. 

We look forward to hosting an open house (date and time to be announced on the school website and social media sites) and sharing with everyone the new and improved school. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either Mr. Stumpf or Mrs. Powell.