The second graders were captivated by Sue Cooper, regarding the daily lives of people in Nepal. Miss Sue’s daughter currently resides and teaches in Nepal. For the presentation, she wore a Nepali dress and introduced a spicy snack that is commonly consumed in that region.

Happy Valentine’s Day from Mrs. Korpans’ class.

Traysen's state tournament is over after his second loss today. Way to represent the Dragons. We are proud of you. Look forward to big things in the future.

📅 Attention Sophomore Parents! Join us on Feb 17th at 7 PM in the Center of Innovation for an important post-prom meeting. Have questions? Contact Mrs. Powell.

#TBT Throwback to 2013, our FCCLA crew is getting ready to become the next year's officer team, standing up and leading their 2014 year FCCLA organization. #LeaveALegacy #DragonPride

Grace Whisenhunt, Leah Struckmeyer, and Ellie Kleve attended the Girls Lead the Way conference at Colorado School of Mines. They got to participate in interactive STEM activities and hear from current students about what college academics and college living are like.

Two hour late start - Normal bus routes - Read more here - https://www.hcosd.org/article/2027792

During the teacher fair held at Fort Hays, Kansas today, Mrs. Powell encountered two future educators from Holyoke. #HTI

2 hour late start tomorrow - https://www.hcosd.org/article/2025211

There will be no Tax Help tonight due to the weather. We will be open again next Tuesday from 4 to 7 pm for free tax preparation.

Heads up, the League Band concert has been rescheduled to 2:30 this afternoon. You can catch it live on Merino’s Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/share/15fXPjBsFB/?mibextid=wwXIfr. If you miss it, don’t worry, the video will still be available for you to watch later.

5th graders used success criteria to give feedback to their peers on the drafts of their persuasive speeches. Students will present speeches next week!

Updated information regarding the Adventure Vision Clinic’s visit to Holyoke on February 27th is available at the following links:
* English: https://5il.co/37elf
* Spanish: https://5il.co/37elg
For any further inquiries, please contact the school office.

Congratulations to all of our wrestlers today. All of them worked extremely hard this season. Traysen Roseane qualified for state at 113.

I you would like to follow our wrestlers at Regionals go here. https://www.trackwrestling.com/predefinedtournaments/MainFrame.jsp?newSession=false&TIM=1739044852559&pageName=%2Fpredefinedtournaments%2FTournamentHub.jsp&twSessionId=ptoyqimfbh

Brody wrestled well and won in overtime.

Tonight is Pink Out. Come show your support.

In a recent interview, Colorado Commissioner of Education mentioned her visit to Holyoke. Here is the link - https://www.cpr.org/2025/02/05/interview-susanna-cordova-colorado-commissioner-of-education/

#TBT Throwback to 1992, students Kelly Roberts and Travis Pittman were selected for homecoming king and queen, the majority of the students voted for them. #DragonPride

Big shoutout to our Brain Bowl teams! Our 3rd graders snagged 2nd place, and the rest of the teams rocked the top six in divisions with at least 14 teams. Way to go!